Thursday, August 30, 2018

Not sure what I'm doing, but I'm doing

Alright, just a quick check-in because I have so much to do, so much content to create for my book - and I need an editor.
Judging by all the recent synchronicities, I am sure I will find one.

I am very proud of my website: 

the "Why should we heal" tab and "About Me"
I've been thinking about the right niche, offer and message for a couple of months. I think it is finally coming together!

I am in Bris and won’t leave until I make a million.
Well, at least all the money for the rest of my tuition. A lot.
My beloved Byron will hopefully still be there.

My friend Kristine, a business coach, got me to start recording myself on my phone as she suggested I should do a podcast!

I am surprised… surprised that I sound awful, but I loved it! Not gonna publish my first couple of recordings, but I came to love my voice, my craziness, and this occasional wit coming out of nowhere. Who knows what will come out of this!

My sore throat prevents me from speaking too long though, and my dry cough is not very sexy.

I know that this flu caught up with me to remind me of what not to do again. The month of July was so unhealthy. A pure over-indulgence in everything (not sex, I can tell you that)

Too much alcohol, sweets, unreasonable portions, worries, negative thoughts, and all the fuckin’ travel. Moving, moving and moving places. No structure regarding workouts and many late nights with little sleep. Never again.

I can totally see why I crashed. Funny, exactly at the same time as the last year. True, the season’s changing but I wasn’t sick my first 2 Australian winters - I put it down to a great diet, self-care, exercise regime and - LOVE. The first time it was love for someone else, the second time an emerging love for Brisbane and embracing something new…

Now I’ve got neither.

However, I'm springing up big time! Nearly all August I didn’t drink (except for one occasion), I ate well and I began to hit the gym classes like a new fitness enthusiast. The trick is in the constant wonder - fresh eyes on the same old things.

Now that I amped up on Vitamin C, garlic, fermented cabbage and broths, my skin is glowing and I think I’m more toned and stronger. (Despite two days of doing nothing but sweating in the bed and coughing)

Celibacy is still the best thing I’ve ever tried. Not only it is a great physical, mental and emotional detox ( Truly, not even spirulina helped me this much), but also a great Tantric preparation for something I’ve never had - a man who could be the man for the woman that I am. I will keep going till someone I frickin’ LOVE and TRUST will want to take it to the next level with me.

I don’t need to sleep with friends because… I am not in love with them and don’t think about them in romantic ways.
I still don’t understand how could that even cross my mind!? I guess it was at the heat of the moment and then I overthought it. Would I’ve done it if we met the next day, as opposed to rescheduling it for weeks later?
Well, I can safely say that it’s never gonna happen.

My vagina is a divine sanctuary for someone who’ll stay…
Not in an attached, possessive way, but in a mind-blowing, loving way filled with pure intentions.
Here you go, this is it - I’m finally spilling the beans about why I do this celibacy thing.
But you all knew it.

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Note: If you are concerned about my non-native grammar, you can contact me and volunteer to become my editor.