Monday, August 27, 2018

Ayahuasca and Crown Chakra

My 221st post and blog's 2nd birthday very soon!
It's been 2,5 years since the legendary break-up, however, it has not served as the theme of this blog for over a year or so... (well, occasionally, maybe.)

I have so much to write. The Crown Chakra dance the previous Sunday was an absolutely delicious culmination of the past 7 weeks of spiritual growth. Dancing all the chakras at once produced sensual, grounding and enlightening effects in the end. 

I still carried some heartache around my chest and broke into a few bouts of tears - hold and behold, those heartaches were not just mine. 
Come on, I only had like, two relationships! 
Those were the disappointments, betrayals and grief of my parents, their parents, the heartbreaks of my friends, their friends and everything in between. I cried for the broken heart of the Earth.
I moved through the sadness, felt strong and welcomed the release.

Upon returning to Byron, a preparation for an upcoming Ayahuasca ceremony began. I finally felt 'pure' enough. I had been anticipating that experience for 5 years before!
About 6 months ago, I started putting it out there to the Universe that I was finally ready. Then I moved into a house in Byron Bay with a Peruvian Shaman next door. I knew that the girl would be the one to test the medicinal plant with....

Long story short, my Friday's experience was very gentle and loving. My body recognized the powerful liquid. I instantly knew that I had drunk it in my previous life.
The plant brought back some ancient memories, which I only fully integrated the next day.
Everything indicated to where my true roots lied. 
Why do I feel the safest only when I have one foot out the door and a half-packed suitcase ready at all times? 
Quite possibly, I used to be hunted and prosecuted and til this present day, I feel I need to be 'on the run' to survive. 
I feel the safest when I'm on the road, traveling, or I'm super close to nature.

Standing, fully supported by the tree behind my back in a secluded area near Suffolk Park on Saturday afternoon, soaking up the sun rays, I remembered my first self-made forest healing ceremony when I couldn't have been older than 10 (probably 8), then celebrating once mum came home with the good news that her boss's daughter got better; recalling all the books I read about Wicca, paganism, druids... later getting a tattoo of Celtic runes on my spine.... experiencing dreams about sheep sacrifice...
I broke into tears once again. I had to apologize to nature, to spirits, to the trees, to the earth which I so wanted to make love with, for all those times that I ever felt unsafe. In this life, I might seem lost, but I am never not safe when I have the earth beneath my feet, no matter how far away.
Ayahuasca also gave me the title of my book... it didn't make sense then but it does now.

I'm changing the direction of my sexuality a little. I've been making love to heavens and God in the last how-many years... now I am going to make love to the earth, to the leaves, the roots of the trees, and birds in the crowns.

Many people report feeling very sexual after Ayahuasca or having great sex straight after ceremonies. (even though some shamans are highly against it)
I could definitely see why!
I could make love right there and then with the whole forest!
I hope I don't sound creepy, or perverted... I wouldn't do it with a tree... just on an energetic level. I was definitely ready to juice up and explode.

It is not all love and light being a witch...
I've cast a few nasty spells in my current life too. I want to, and had to, take those back. There is a fine line between good and bad, and although I could totally make for a great evil witch, I could also do a lot of good by focusing on my loving and compassionate side. No kidding, some people were subjected to my curse (my mum, my ex to name a couple) and bad stuff happened to them shortly after I'd sent the harmful intention. I am sorry.
I want to do good.

Apparently, the shaman herself was processing my darkness for me. We all purged, except one guy.
I was wearing dreamcatcher earrings and crystals - could they save me from the demons of the past?
I am ready to come bare next time.
My witchy past is interesting... I'd love to know more.
I recommend Ayahuasca to all those who feel ready to experience the depth of their identity.


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