Sunday, July 22, 2018

Cultivating life through chakra-work

I hope this post will inspire you to take some significant actions for your happy life!

A quick mobile check-in while on the way to the GC dancing my solar plexus chakra.
What a crazy three weeks, hey!
It’s been hard... but I’m transforming for I’m sick of this larvae form.

I feel alive.

I recall the words of Thomas Moore, author of The Soul of Sex: Cultivating Life as an Act of Love, where he writes that during his times as a Monk, he would experience celibacy for 12 years - yet his life couldn’t have been more sexual.

I understood him just right at that time - but now I believe him. I live it.

My kundalini uncoils every-time I breathe it into life. It makes me tingle, hot, vibrating and it heals me.
Although I haven't had a lover for months, I don't feel deprived. I breathe sex, I drift off to sleep feeling it, I dream about it, I wake up all aroused, smiley and then I walk around sex on legs...
I’ve always suspected that men had a radar for the things that go on in a woman's mind and behind the scenes of what she presents as her life, though it appears that women have this radar too. A universal sense of ‘sex’.
After all, I too, can smell for miles whether there’s a tendency for sensual or closed off in one’s character. Many people who dance tend to embrace the former. It is our prerogative to decide what kind of perfume we’ll exude!

Being naturally sensual makes this celibacy interesting. I'm fine but I can’t even express how much I miss making love to a man.

Throughout my diverse careers, I’ve observed that the relationships I’m able to create in a really short period of time go far beyond just business.
I make people feel better about themselves, loved and unconditionally accepted in record time.
I should probably do something about that.
It is still difficult for me to creatively think about a sustainable service and future investments.

I want to find a local coach/mentor as I’d like to write a book and possibly start an online business - teaching what I’ve learned. We all have a book and a course within us. Many people would surely benefit if we weren’t afraid to put ourselves on the line... Is it really just a matter of decision?
How I wish I could snap my fingers and embody the required confidence!

I see that life does not get easier as one gets older. It is but more precious and more of a privilege to live it well. Yes, it can be very gratifying, however, it calls for significant discipline henceforth. Especially in the areas of self-care, nutrition, the right exercise routine, and enough sleep.
Unfortunately, I can’t live like a 20 or 25-year-old anymore. If I overdo it with alcohol or food, I suffer. For long.
Maybe that’s why I’m abstaining from sex!?

I must carefully check what comes in and out of me (spiritually speaking, of course). It is an honor to celebrate my 31st next week while still looking like 22 - so I’m frequently told!
Nevertheless, I don’t feel it.

I admit that the proven rituals for a healthy body, mind and spirit are not so easy to keep up with in the world I live.

Simplicity and stability... I must keep reminding myself.

P.S.: I always wanted to make a commitment to something somewhere... but the question remains the same: To where and to what without not missing out on the freedom to travel and be myself? 🤔

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