Friday, February 21, 2020

The Holistic Blog

My continued interest in spirituality and sexuality is now being pursued at this new address:

See you over at the blog!

1 comment:

  1. Tantra in the Lunatic Asylum
    A rapid story about a young boy's madness, addiction and stay in a lunatic asylum. His childhood love and a doctor that has sworn to heal. The environment of the asylum is expressed explicitly. The reality seen by the use of hallucinogens and the Tantric path followed by the hermits is taught in the form of a story. The frontiers of religion, medicine and metaphysics are seen from the point of view of the insane.
    Book Name: Tantra in the Lunatic Asylum
    Author: Anandi Baba
    Available on all Amazon sites and most major eBook retailers.


Let me know what you think, what you are getting for yourself out of this post, or what you are not getting...

Note: If you are concerned about my non-native grammar, you can contact me and volunteer to become my editor.