Monday, October 28, 2019


It's time for a new blog theme...
I just read my last post: "My year 2018 in brief"
Well, well, well... it looks plain and clear....
I've listed new year's resolutions that never happened. 
So what have I manifested ?
Let me ask more productively, what was I manifesting -  if I couldn't even remember what I had planned for myself on the New Year?
I spent 5 months in Asia (Bali, Malaysia, Singapore), before returning to Europe in June. I enjoyed doing yoga and other shit: Working on myself and 'fixing' myself. Oh boy, did it not work! 😂
I learned, I healed, I tried, I loved, I fucked up, I picked myself up, run around a little more, and then run back to Europe, back to work. It was about time.
On top of it all, there was a little family emergency.

The first half of the year was interesting, like from a movie, then there was the transition again, a massive breakthrough in England - a place that used to serve as the very first 'home away from home' for a fresh (and lost) 18 year-old me. Perhaps I was less lost back then than this summer while turning 32. 
I spent my birthday with a new crush and a coupla good friends of mine. The new interest hasn't lasted long (from his side), but I enjoyed the 1-2 months in London. The city is awesome and it's not for me. It is what it is and ten million people in one smoggy place felt just too much. I couldn't wait to leave. 
After my crazy realisation, which was of a sexual nature, of course, I made peace with the challenging 'English' times and welcomed the old-new exciting Czech times. 
In Prague, I experienced many, many sexual relations, again... like a starving person who hasn't eaten in a year... or properly in 3 years to be precise. So... I reclaimed my sexuality and I never ever wanna be away from it for too long. 
My Australian ex-boyfriend knew too well... Good that we got together and even better that we separated. A little worse that it took me so long to get over it all, but again, thank Goodness that I did. 

Coming up to the final 2 months of 2019... I feel... incomplete. Like I would repeat my caged rat on a wheel story of the first half of 2019 and perfectly see that nothing has changed. Sure, I travelled, went through exciting times, love affairs, adventures, exotic friendships and enjoyed the lifestyle that many people dream of... yet... I have not done any of those things that I had planned last year. Career-wise not much moved and my romantic love life is still non-existent. But - Maybe, maybe everything's unfolding exactly as it should...
I wonder why do I always feel so positive?

I am still so positive.
Even though I have not much to show for it.

Well... In the previous post I did hint that the proper break would happen in 2020. Stability...was that my plan? Where?
As always, not having a clue what's the destination, but here I go! Head first. 😹

Watch out for a new blog coming soon!

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