Thursday, May 17, 2018

Counting blessings

I love how life helps me heal naturally. It constantly strives to arrange things so they come back to equilibrium. Not overly long lows, not crazily long highs...
The cathartic moment that I witnessed last week truly changed everything. I began rewiring my brain to see the major traumatic events in my life from a place of safety. I created new nets around those moments. I consciously connected the dots to realize that these events served a good purpose. There are no more fear-filled gaps. Those gaps wanted to be brought to my attention, receive some TLC, so I could start manifesting the kind of future that doesn't resemble the traumatic past. In fact, there is no 'traumatic past' now.
Facing my demons AND embracing them shifted my perspective completely.

I listened to a couple of interviews by Marie Forleo and I felt so inspired. (link below)
Inspiration without action is nothing - not what inspiration is here for! - so I am reaching out where I need to.

Alexis Jones speaks like a fired up guru goddess. She is such an excellent speaker. 
I loved how her man inspired her to devise her talks about sexual assault prevention in such a way that the men in sport's locker rooms would actually listen.
When talking about rape in general, men feel as if being accused or guilty before any sexual deed would even cross their minds. As a result, they switch off to what has been rehashed over and over, especially in the past year. Hence, Alexis would invite these men into the conversation, inspiring their natural protectors within.
"Every man wants to be a hero," she says.

Sarah Jones (unrelated to Alexis, or Bridgette, I think), sparked so much joy in my heart. She is undoubtedly a talented actress, speaker and comedian. One can tell that she loves people. She is beautiful inside out and has a mega-compassion for other cultures and perspectives.
She says: "Being depressed does not help the movement."
It spoke to my soul.
In hindsight, the long wet months in the Northern Territory did offer some opportunities for acting in alignment with my beliefs. But I didn't.
I did not help any social, political, or feminist movement by isolating myself.
The solution, as I came to experience on my own skin, does lie in - CONNECTING.
Feeling disconnected is the right way to hell.
Again, all my past problems stemmed from a lack of communication. I believe that to be true for everybody.

I have been connecting in the past couple of weeks and I feel the difference. The world looks much better when we share our lives with others.
Why do we wait with communication until things hit rock bottom or super-heights?
We don't have to share just tears of sadness or tears of joy.
The time for sharing aspirations, fears, philosophical ruminations, memories and daily wins and loses is always the right time. Which means - it is NOW.

Most of the fears then disappear.

I, for example, don't feel lonely or cut out from my family anymore. I realized that I do not need to come back to the Czech Republic in order to feel safe and loved. I can also wait with my visit, because - we are all connected anyway. I am much better off doing something useful with myself over here at the moment and then come home victorious. I shouldn't run back to the familiar, definitely not without a purpose or as a victim. I'd prefer to win first!
I hug my mum in spirit and she knows it.

Two days ago before sleep, I felt God's/the Divine's love so intensely that it was better than a massage or being in love with a human being.
In fact, I am such a passionate person, there is a good chance that no human being would withstand my fervent fire with its unstable heat.
I am ok with that.
One year ago I would never guess that deciding to be independent and celibate for a year would fill me with so much love, gratitude and presence.
If I wasn't an energy worker, I could miss the physical merging of energy much more. Accordingly, my work with others can be a blessing at times.

I am counting my blessings and continue working on my offerings.

Link to the aforementioned videos: Here



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